About Us
Where We Are
Serving the physical communities of Daysland, Killam, and Rosalind in East Central Alberta, as well as our online community. Striving to live as God's beloved in all that we say and do. Our four communities of faith share one full time Minister. We have different Sunday Worship times, as well as an online reflection to fit your schedule. Feel free to join us. All are welcome. Check out the unique ministry and some of their rich history of each of our communities below.
All are Welcome
The United Church of Canada welcomes people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever you are in your faith journey. Although we have yet to go through the Affirming process (http://affirmunited.ause.ca/) to openly proclaim this welcome, each of our faith communities have approved an inclusive marriage policy and strive to live into our claim that ALL are welcome.
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Communities of Faith
Daysland United Church’s 100+ year old sanctuary is beautiful, I hope you get to see it in person some day. This church has one of the last active United Church Women’s...
Contact Info / Address
Killam Knox United Church is a very well thought out building. It’s accessible and multi-functional features make it a perfect (and affordable) rental location for small to...
Contact Info / Address
The United Church in Rosalind is the last operational place of worship in that community. We provide a place of connection for people of all faiths and orientations...
Contact Info / Address
DKR Online Chapel
Birthed out of necessity, the DKR Online Chapel started when we could no longer meet in person due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions...
Contact Info / Address

Minister: Rev. Deanna Cox
Raised on a farm near Tofield, AB, Rural ministry is close to Rev. Deanna's heart. She and her family...

Administrator: Sandra Erickson
Sandra Erickson has been our Office Administrator since June 2017. She and her family live in...
Board Members:
to be announced